Monday, July 13, 2015


                                       is a micro job site. This site takes no registration costs and workers can earn money very easily  by performing small & easy task.All the tasks are very easy and any one can do it without having any complex problem.

  • Eligible user: Medium level user.
  • Task type: Sign up, Click or Search, Bookmark , YouTube , Facebook, Twitter, Voting & Rating, Yahoo Answers, Forums, Download-Install, Comment on blogs, Write a review online, Write an Article, Classifieds posting, Blog/Website Owners, Leads and others.
  • Task amount: $0.10 To $4.

  • Accepted countries: All
  • Payment method: Paypal,AlertPay,Money bookers.
  • Minimum To Cashout: Paypal-$5+15%vat, Alertpay- $5+20%vat, Moneybookers-$5+30%vat
  • Pays Per Task: It is depend on task.It range form $0.10 To $4.
  • Number of Tasks: No limitation.Each and every task remains updated.
  • Referral Program: Unlimited.

1.When you Invite friends you will  get $ 0.20 bonus each referral Signup.

2.When your friend's balance reach $10 You will get $ 1.

3.When your  friend balance reach $ 10 your will get bonus $ 1.

4.Inviting 10 friend(s), No deposit & withdraw fees will be charged forever.


1. Member need to fill the signup form

2. Member need to verify their email by email link sent to them.

3. Member can make one account only.

4. Member will accept the job only which they are capable to do.

5. Member can do the job which is available to their country or internationally

6. Member need to reach withdraw amount limit before withdraw funds

7. Member must be login once in 30 days or their balance will be expired and zero.

8. Member can continue the job after balance expired; expired balance is non recover able.

9. Members will be auto banned if system detect any try to  fake referral or signup two accounts.
10.Members will be auto banned  if  system detect any Illegal activity.

11.Member need to maintain their success rate by satisfied and not satisfied jobs

Member Can:

1 .Member can be an Employer and can be a workers with same account.

2 .Member can do a job for others even he/she is employer

3.Member can generate a Voucher code (non-withdraw able) from withdraw able amount only

4.Member can share their balance by generate a voucher from their account (non withdraw-able)

5.Member can invite friend by using inside option of account invite a friend.

6.Member can invite friend by using their referral link

7.Member can send only one Withdraw Request at the time
8.Member can Use all type of Funds (including signup bonus) to Start a Campaign

9.Member can start a campaign by paying or can pay later campaign will be active after payment.

Member Can not:

1.Members are not allowed to make another account if already signup with an email
(including pending, active, Fake Referral account)

2.Member can not change the email and country

3.Member can not withdraw Signup Bonus

4.Member can not start another campaign if there is non paid Campaign exist

5.Member can not make another account with their own referral link

6.Member can not use proof input for any marketing purpose or spamming employers

7.Member can not withdraw deposited amount as the deposited funds can only be used for only 

8.Posting campaigns.

You are agree, you have read complete guideline before do any job or start a campaign.

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